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What We Do

There is a wide range of ways to get involved in BCC and give to our congregation and surrounding communities. Listed below are our teams that are the foundation of our church, if you are interested in connecting with any of these committees, please contact addressed to the respective leaders listed below.

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team works with the Pastor to envision, support, and enable the work of BCC.  The team represents church members, listens to their needs and interests, and acts on their behalf. If you would like to reach out to our Leadership Team, please contact Erin Wurtzbacher or Katie Bylow at

Missions Team

The root of missions is our need to love others!

Opportunities abound at Brookfield Congregational Church for missions work for PEOPLE OF ALL AGES AND ABILITIES!



Connect with our community to make a difference, call 262-786-4155 or email: Find the contact info for our Ministry Coordinators below.


Would you like to get involved, have questions or suggestions? Contact our Missions Co-Chairs: Andrea Emling and Robin DeVilbiss at

Missions Team
Rainbow Figures Holding Hands

Christian Education/Faith Formation

Our Christian Education/Faith Formation Ministry Team develops and provides programs, learning opportunities and activities that enhance the faith formation and development of spiritual awareness and growth in children, youth and adults throughout all phases of their lives.

We offer a variety of adult education opportunities including small group scripture readings, Bible and book studies, and periodic seminars on timely and pertinent topics.

Children & Youth Education Ministry offers:

  • Nursery – Care for infants through 4 years of age during the worship hour by staff (available every Sunday). Our Nursery is staffed by two Nursery Attendants (background checked and First Aid/CPR trained). When you come in, just follow the sign to the Nursery Care Room. You take a left after you enter the building and the room is located just past the double doors. The Nursery Attendant will check your child in and ask for your cell phone number, just in case the need arises to contact you during worship.

  • Our Children’s Church program is designed for all youth. Our curriculum hands-on and mission based. Throughout the school year we plan inter-generational events that support local charities. 

  • Your children are welcome to join Children’s Church for any event or they can worship with you in the sanctuary (but they’ll probably enjoy our multi age-level ministries much more!). Sign up to receive our weekly newsletter to receive the latest news on Children’s Church. (Click on ‘I’m New’ > ‘Making Your First Visit’ in the Menu Bar, then scroll to the bottom of the page).

  • Confirmation – Faith formation classes for young people exploring becoming full members of the church through declaration of faith.

If you have any questions or would like to get involved, please contact our Christian Ed Coordinator: Erin Wurtzbacher at

Congregational Life

Congregational Life is about caring for the needs of our members/friends and providing them with a sense of community through fellowship activities, personal support when needed and opportunities to share their gifts by serving the church in the weekly operations.  We also welcome visitors and invite them to participate in our church life activities.

The two primary functions of this ministry are Membership and Fellowship. Congregational Life sponsored activities include:

  • Book/Study Groups

  • Buddies for New Members

  • Caregivers group

  • Chair Yoga

  • Greeters on Sunday morning

  • Hospitality

  • Hospitality Hosts

  • Meditation group​

  • Ushers

  • Walking in Faith group

Do you have questions about any of these groups and activities? Would you like to participate? Contact our Congregational Life Coordinator: Marilyn Cummins at

Liturgical Arts

Throughout the year, our Pastor and the Liturgical Arts Team create and implement ways to enhance Worship so that individuals and the congregation as a whole have a deeper understanding and connection to the Bible text / spiritual life lesson. This includes visual arts, music, drama, and liturgy. During the seasons of Advent and Lent, an optional Bible or Book study related to the current Worship theme is also offered.


The Music Team provides music for Sunday worship and other services & events throughout the year.  Musical groups include Chancel Choir, Hand Bells, Praise Band, and occasional performance by special musicians. With the BCC Concert Series we offer several recital opportunities per year. We do open our doors to small performance groups who might be looking for a venue.


For information on facilities and availability, please contact For information on musical offerings, please contact Justin Kamp ( or James Grzadzinski (

Resource Management

The Resource Management Team (RMT) is responsible for the core and financial management of the property, physical plant, equipment, furnishings, improvements, repairs, and replacements for the Church and the Parsonage. The RMT also coordinates outside group’s use of the facilities.


Would you like to inquire about using the building? Any other questions for the Resource Management Team can be sent to: Gary Kovach at

Worship Team

The Worship Team prepares the church for a pleasurable experience during each service.  They ensure that each service runs smoothly and maintain the sanctuary during the different seasons of the year.


Do you have any questions for the Worship Team? Please contact Bill Petterson at

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